Many of us have several means of getting to work mine is the Go Train this is a 30 min commute everyday so that I can make it into work at a reasonable time
7:00 am to be percise. Call it executive hours but it is worth every bit of deprived sleep that I get. :)
So on my daily commute I have my designated Go Train Car that I sit in I get my morning paper and see what is happening in our world today and I think why do I even need a paper to when there is so much entertainment right before my eyes. In 30min I observe so many interesting things. It is like a mini Soap Opera.
One typical thing that happens on the train is quite often people fall asleeep perhaps it is the motion of the train, a long day staring at a PC or just plain tiredness.
I have noticed that Go Train Sleeping comes in many forms.
You have your typical sleeping passenger- head tilted to one side but then all of a sudden kurplunk the head goes forward at a really quick rate and the passenger is suddenley awaken and looking around to see who has noticed. Then there is me trying so hard not to laugh.
Next you have the sleeping Go Train passenger who has there head right back and mouth WIDE open and I feel inspired to have a game of spit ball.........
Next you have the Go Train Passenger who reads to aviod sleeping and by page 2 BOOM the head is forward with the book wide open almost falling out of the hands and EYES glued shut and there I am dying to GRAB that book and YELL GET UP!!!
Next you have the sleeping passenger who is wearing a walkman but yet manages to still sleep. I am ok with that as long as I can hear the song playing and it is a good one.
Another amusing passenger is the one that takes there shoes and socks off and feet up on the seat. What is this your living room? Please put those shoes back on you are making me GAG!
So that is my take on all the sloppy sleepers.......that I have to see on a daily basis and all I have to say is go to BED early you all look ridiculous.
That's the real deal
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