As life passes us by each day and time ticks by before you know it 10 years have past and we think where has the time gone? How did I get here? What did I do to get here? Where do I need to go?
Where has the time gone? This will always be one of lifes un answered questions. Human nature has programmed us into robotic cycle. Where we have the typical 9-5 day. Then when the weekend comes we try to cram so much into two days and before you know it Monday morning you awake more exausted then the Friday afternoon when you were trying to make that 5:00 deadline.
Choice- To take that 9-5 job so that you can bulid a financial nest where you spend more time building the nest then time enjoying the funds in the nest. Reality it is a need to survive in the world we know.
How did I get here? Ask yourself what choices did I make? and reflect was it worth the time? Did I hurt anyone to get here? Am I truly happy or just blaming society for a personal short coming.
I look around each day and see a variety of people but as years pass in my travel I see less and less people smiling and more and more people frustrated, tense and even angry.
Who do you blame? Society? The choices you made in life? Does anyone need to blamed? or is this our way of healing the subconcious thought that maybe you made a bad choice.
My point is that we are all given the gift of choice and we should really take the time to unwrap this rather than take it for granted.
Use this gift to help deal with emotions good and bad. If someone upsets you remind yourself that you choose to let that person control your feelings. Solution? Make the choice of not allowing yourself to be controlled by that individual or circumstance and leave it in your hands to change that bad or uneasy feeling into a postivie.
We have the power. At times fail to use it.
Some choices are made for us that we can't change. Just remember that life is a gift given to us to unwrap and we need to enjoy each treasure we find in a hope that we travel more balanced in our journey through life.
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