Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Crying for Salvation

A roadblock in life has chipped away at her being. Toxins have entered her mind. A strong willed woman now weakened into a scared child searching for shelter and answers to her pain. She fights with her demonds wants to let them go. Hoping to find salvation but ends up asking why me?

Day by day she hurts and feels abandoned. The pain buried in sorrow and fear. She searches for that day of rejoice when laughter and warmth bring peace to her once calm world.

She questions again....How did things get so cloudy? When everything seemed so clear?

Frightened child clear your mind. Don't blame yourself for you did not ask for this cross to bear. Hope awaits you to awaken you from these cluttered thoughts.

I have been sent to give you salvation from the battles you fight inside. Take my hand. I will guide you on this journey and help you bring serenity to this chaos you feel now. Lonely no more you will never be. Those tears for salvation can be cried upon me.

Lets take this journey together and follow the guiding light that leads the path to salvation.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Believe to receive

Believe to Receive:

A very common concept that so many complicate. If something does not go as planed. Why do some of us cast it out as a failure and stop striving for that goal(s) again.

I was talking to a colleague of mine at work who has been going to the gym and looking good as each day passes I applauded her for her efforts and determination to achieve her goal. She then tells me that she has given up on her quest for a man in her life and I told her that Mr. Right is out there waiting to meet her and he can't find her if she does not make that effort. If she did not go to they gym then she would not have gotten the results she received. She believed and received.

I smiled and suggested that maybe her timing is was not right and to give it time. Automatically she said that I am her subconscious thought that takes forever to come out of her and her name is Mandy.......

We all have that little voice inside that says I can but for some reason we loose focus and tend to block it out by I can't.

It comes down to is simple perspective. If we change our perspective into something positive then ultimately we are gaining self growth and building ourselves into stronger beings than we already are.

The problem? We are scared of change..... and hide in our box of thought

Lets look at that that man,woman, sibling or friend who hurt you or made you mad. Sure it stinks and some of us become cynical and drown in self pitty thinking the problem is within and think that the perfect relationship, perfect family will never exist. Or maybe you can't be the perfect friend or perfect wife.

The focus of these experiences should be on the lesson(s) learned on the good that came out of the situation instead of resenting and questioning what could have been our should have been. Ask yourself How can I make it better? What path am I going to take to get me there? And use your caution guards going forward.

We have to stop striving for perfection I am not saying loose your goals in life. Perfection is a self created pressure we put on ourselves that can lead to some heartaches and disappointments. What we should focus on our ambition to be the best that we can be and search for the best path to get to our goals in life at the end of the day take pride knowing that you gave your 110%.

When we stop believing our positive thoughts become weakened by those negative and cynical thoughts that eventually stop us from moving forward. Next thing you know you are a Rock in a Hard Place.

If the focus stays on the positive eventually the end result will be a profitable one. I don't just mean monetary. It may not be as quick as you want it but be patient and know that it is a matter of time before your goal(s) aspirations are received.

Believe and you will receive..............